
The training and education of Ancon personnel in all capacities is a crucial component of our overall EHS program and for achieving our mission’s goals and expectations as highlighted in our safety philosophy. Ancon corporately develops and delivers its EHS training programs by qualified and certified instructors within various areas of the Ancon management system’s architecture. Additionally, Ancon will strategize with third party administrators and subject matter experts as to assure the highest level in quality is acquired respecting the education of its workforce.
Each employee will receive comprehensive coursework and field oversight during his or her new hire indoctrination. This process is tailored to the employee candidate’s task specific functions and to all the regulatory obligations governing their individual job description(s). Ancon has historically demonstrated a strong commitment towards the growth and development of its people while ensuring the continued education, vocational enhancement and refresher programs are consistently and effectively instituted. Our training efforts are closely monitored by an automated data base platform, which is reviewed real-time as to determine the need for future refresher training and other specific training requirements.
Below highlights the common courses delivered by Ancon, but not limited to:
- Injury Illness Protection Program (IIPP)
- Behavior Base Safety
- Fall Protection – Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Good Housekeeping Practices
- Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Foot Protection, Hand Protection
- Respiratory Protection / Respiratory Systems (Bottle Watch)
- Hot Work (Fire Watch)
- Hazards of Confined Spaces – Employee Roles: Entrant, Attendant, Entry Supervisor and Emergency Rescue Roles
- Chemical Exposures – Basic Toxicology
- Working in the Heat
- Scaffold Safety
- Site Health and Safety Plans – Emergency Action Planning
- Waste Management – Bulk Liquid / Bulk Solid/ Drum Handling
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Fire Extinguishers
- Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (Lock Out/Tag Out)
- Craft Specific Training
- Manipulative Skills Evaluation of Hydroblasting, Steam Cleaning, Tank Cleaning, Vacuum Truck and Air Mover Operations
- Hazardous Waste operations and Emergency Response – HAZWOPER